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Never too old 

I am a firm believer that we're meant to keep growing and challenging ourself throughout our life – emotionally, spiritually and physically. A few years ago I went on a yoga retreat in Costa Rica with a childhood friend; we were in a group that ranged in ages from 24 to 70. I was about to turn 60 and not happy about it. My friend, who'd just turned 60, told me how awful it is being this "large number" that sounds so old. I even noticed she seemed a little older when she first arrived. But as the days went by, and we forgot about the "number" and joined in on all the adventures, we both started feeling – and acting – younger! Neither of us had ever surfed and weren't planning to join the group, but the younger women cajoled us to try it. I'll admit that we were both scared, but we loved it. My friend, who as a kid was the last to learn how to ride a bike as she was afraid to ride, got out there on those waves like a champ. When the board hit her face and resulted in a black eye, she proudly sent the photos back to her husband and kids, and posted it on Facebook! By the end of our trip, we were both different people. 

Challenging yourself as you get older boosts your confidence and keeps life exciting. Just remember this: YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN SOMETHING NEW! 

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